Positive Training for All Kinds of Pups

David Diamond, Owner/Head Trainer:
I use positive training methods and a firm, caring approach so owners and pets can learn to live together in harmony.
I have over 1,000 hours of training at 3 world-renowned dog training facilities in the United States and have successfully rehabilitated over 200 dogs and counting. Most dogs I have worked with, because of their issues, were banished to the backyard of their owner’s property. I have worked with everything from a 10 pound (4.5 KG) dog all the way up to a 160 pound (72.5 KG) Marimah Sheep Dog, and have become known as Vancouver Island’s “Dog Whisperer.”
Michelle Diamond, Business Partner:
Michelle helps me with clerical details of the office and drives the van. She is the assistant out in the field and has learned the same techniques so she can assist me in training, feeding, walking, and other forms of pet care.